Creating a better workplace for your employees.
Did you know? the 2 most common causes of time off work in the UK are:
1. Stress
2. Back pain
One recent study has shown that the average UK worker took 6 days off from work due to sickness absence last year.
Ask yourself ''How much would it be worth to your business if I could lower the amount of sickness absence each of your employees takes per year''?
Think about it, how much do you lose in profit each year due to employees sickness absence
as a result of back pain, neck pain, headaches, stress and fatigue?
If you also consider your staff would become more productive having been given a
few simple techniques and snippets of knowledge about how our bodies and systems
No extra specialist equipment is needed, these are simple exercises and techniques that can be done at the work station or in the office.
As a trained Yoga Teacher, Fitness instructor and Kinetic Chain Assessment /
Corrective exercise specialist with over 27 years experience of assisting others to gain and maintain health and fitness. I can provide techniques that will help to prevent all of the above common causes of time off work.
I can share these simple tools with your employees in just a few hours, saving valuable work hours in the future.
Providing Workshops, Presentations or weekly Yoga Classes for your employees, teaching how to prevent posture at work becoming a health issue, improve concentration, reduce mid afternoon energy slumps, and deal with stress.
For more information or to book, please contact :
Adele James Tel; 07837927227
[email protected]
1. Stress
2. Back pain
One recent study has shown that the average UK worker took 6 days off from work due to sickness absence last year.
Ask yourself ''How much would it be worth to your business if I could lower the amount of sickness absence each of your employees takes per year''?
Think about it, how much do you lose in profit each year due to employees sickness absence
as a result of back pain, neck pain, headaches, stress and fatigue?
If you also consider your staff would become more productive having been given a
few simple techniques and snippets of knowledge about how our bodies and systems
No extra specialist equipment is needed, these are simple exercises and techniques that can be done at the work station or in the office.
As a trained Yoga Teacher, Fitness instructor and Kinetic Chain Assessment /
Corrective exercise specialist with over 27 years experience of assisting others to gain and maintain health and fitness. I can provide techniques that will help to prevent all of the above common causes of time off work.
I can share these simple tools with your employees in just a few hours, saving valuable work hours in the future.
Providing Workshops, Presentations or weekly Yoga Classes for your employees, teaching how to prevent posture at work becoming a health issue, improve concentration, reduce mid afternoon energy slumps, and deal with stress.
For more information or to book, please contact :
Adele James Tel; 07837927227
[email protected]